IP case law Court of Justice

Referral C-590/23 (Pelham, 25 Sep 2023)

1. Is the provision limiting use for the purpose of pastiche within the meaning of Article 5(3)(k) of Directive 2001/29/EC a catch-all clause at least for artistic engagement with a pre-existing work or other object of reference, including sampling? Is the concept of pastiche subject to limiting criteria, such as the requirement of humour, stylistic imitation or tribute?

2. Does use ‘for the purpose of’ pastiche within the meaning of Article 5(3)(k) of Directive 2001/29/EC require the determination of an intention on the part of the user to use copyright subject matter for the purpose of a pastiche, or is it sufficient for the pastiche character to be recognisable for a person familiar with the copyright subject matter who has the intellectual understanding required to perceive the pastiche?

Case details on the CJEU website (external link)
