What does IPcuria cover ?
IPcuria aims at covering all cases from the Court of Justice of the European Union which have an impact on the practice of intellectual property law.
Our database currently features :
516 preliminary rulings (
see the list).
27 referrals currently pending (
see the list).
494 decisions in appeal (
see the list).
18 appeals currently pending (
see the list).
The cases are currently sorted in
158 categories and subcategories (
see the list or
explore them).
What does IPcuria not cover ?
We had to make some choices and we chose to include only the decisions from the Court of Justice of the European Union, which are published in English and which related to intellectual property law.
We do not include:
- decisions from the Court of First Instance,
- opinions from the AG's,
- decisions which the Court did not have translated in English (although we recently started adding the French version when the English was not avaibale).
Where does the content come from ?
Our content comes exclusively from the website of the Court of Justice (
https://curia.europa.eu) and, for that reason, it is subject to the mandatory