Article 19 of the Statute of the Court
The Member States and the institutions of the Union shall be represented before the
Court of Justice by an agent appointed for each case; the agent may be assisted by an
adviser or by a lawyer.
The States, other than the Member States, which are parties to the Agreement on the
European Economic Area and also the EFTA Surveillance Authority referred to in
that Agreement shall be represented in same manner.
Other parties must be represented by a lawyer.
Only a lawyer authorised to practise before a court of a Member State or of another
State which is a party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area may
represent or assist a party before the Court.
Such agents, advisers and lawyers shall, when they appear before the Court, enjoy the
rights and immunities necessary to the independent exercise of their duties, under
conditions laid down in the Rules of Procedure.
As regards such advisers and lawyers who appear before it, the Court shall have the
powers normally accorded to courts of law, under conditions laid down in the Rules of
University teachers being nationals of a Member State whose law accords them a right
of audience shall have the same rights before the Court as are accorded by this Article
to lawyers.
2 appealsJudgment of 22 Mar 2022, C-529/18 (PJ v EUIPO) 
Order of 8 Dec 2020, C-455/18 (Spieker v EUIPO) 